Happy New Year, Event Invitations and Reflections || January 2025

The-Prince-of-Jockeys-coverWe have waited a long time for a scholar to pull together the story of Isaac Murphy and nineteenth century American and Kentucky life with the exquisite interpretation that Pellom McDaniels offers in this manuscript. This work is path-breaking for the detailed study it offers into the texture and layers of life in Lexington, particularly black Lexington, during the post-Civil War decades and into the Gilded Age.

— Maryjean Wall, author of
How Kentucky Became Southern: A Tale of Outlaws, Horse Thieves, Gamblers,
and Breeders

For more information on the book, visit The Prince of Jockeys website here.

Read about McDaniels and his work with the Robert Langmuir African American Photograph Collection at the Emory University News Center here.

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