Above I (Historian and Independent Curator Alison Rose Jefferson), pose with Yazmin Monet Watkins, poet, actress, educator, organizer, and more the day she did an inspiring poetry reading public program...

ARJ || Breaking News, History Making Milestones and Spring/Summer Greetings!
I continue to be busy with research documenting overlooked African American and other marginalized groups’ histories, as well as with making presentations about these findings in a few places. I have...
ARJ News – Fight the Power!
Freedom, Liberation, and Justice Now On the beach, on the street and in the boutique window, social justice undertakings around the nation are actively using history to engage the public in critical...
Rising Up: African American Sites of Conscience in Manhattan Beach and Santa Monica, CA
New energy has arisen to reclaim the important marginalized California ocean coastline history of African American places of enjoyment, freedom struggle and community and economic development sabotaged...
National Park Service approves Bay Street Beach Historic District Listing on the NRHP!
The Bay Street Beach Historic District was approved for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in June by the National Park Service. This site, has sometimes been called "the...
SHRC Approves!, Nick Gabaldón Day 2019 and Living the California Dream
Bay Street Beach Historic District Update The California State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC) voted unanimously to recommend to the California State Historic Preservation Officer listing the Bay...