Articles & Interviews

Below are links to stories on people and places that have been overlooked in the “collective memory” of the heritage of the Southern California region and the United States.

Some of these stories include coverage of my research and public/applied history programming efforts.

stories on people and places that have been overlooked

Manhattan Beach: Swimming Together

Manhattan Beach: Swimming Together

Photo: California African American Museum Manhattan Beach, CA: Swimming TogetherBy Heather McGhee | The Sum of Us PodcastSeptember 7, 2022 The wealthy beachfront community of Manhattan Beach,...

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Podcast: Bruce’s Beach

Podcast: Bruce’s Beach

Cover Art: California African American Museum Podcast: Bruce's Beach By Julia Nutter | VICE News Reports, iHeartRadio August 12, 2021 In 1912, a Black couple named Charles and Willa Bruce bought a parcel...

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